New destinations: toward Kurdistan

On the 3rd April, VIDOTTO DISSIPATORI has taken part to a series of B2B meetings, with Kurdish buyers, set up and organized efficiently by the association Veneto Sviluppo. Th meetings were set at the branch of the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Treviso, in Borsa Square. Th daily program, following the plans, started with a panoramic of the Kurd history and culture, and kept on talking about statistics, underlining the main partnerships and necessities that the guests were searching for. After this general overview of the country, the topic changed into a focused analysis of the projects of greater interest, that the Kurdish buyers are interested in being supported by the Italians firms. VIDOTTO DISSIPATORI introduced its production and all the devices, that raised an high interest, both for the public and the private settings: public places like hospitals, and private locations like restaurants and housings. We can finally assume that VIDOTTO DISSIPATORI has planted a little seed also in this emerging country, with the hope that this could bloom soon, taking as example the many successful projects that VIDOTTO DISSIPATORI has carried out abroad.